Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Break!

I just got back from Spring Break yesterday. It was so much fun!I went with my parents and I brought my friend Kim. We went to Fort Walton Beach Florida. It's right by Destin, so we went there a lot at night. We spent most of our days laying out on the beach, it was amazing! At night, we did all sorts of things. One night we went go-karting on a 3 story track. It was fun and kinda funny because it was Kim's first time so she was freaking out the whole time. Another night, we went to this restaurant called Fudpuckers. It was soooo good!! The whole place was amazing! They had a little swamp thing down below with live baby alligators! You can see the baby alligator here! You could pay to hold one and get a picture, but we didn't. It had a gift shop, arcade, and everything here! The food was delicious too. And all the walls had writing all over it. You buy sharpies to sign your name wherever you want. I signed on the booth, table, wall, picture, frame, and the lamp! It was pretty fun. Overall though, it was definitely a successful spring break!

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