Friday, March 4, 2011

Whistling in the Dark
Lesley Kagen
popular fiction
pg. 192-228

Sally and Troo were still with Ethel at Mrs. Galecki's. Nell drove Eddie's car over with clothes for the girls for the funeral. Nell was going to drive the girls and Ethel to the funeral. Troo and Sally came outside to leave and said goodbye to Mr. Gary and Mrs. Galecki. Rasmussen was outside and offered Sally a ride to the funeral. She denied, but then asked him why her picture was in his wallet. Rasmussen then forced Sally to ride with her because they needed to talk. On the way, he talked about her mother and how she was getting much, much better. However, Mr. Jerbak died from Hall hitting him with the beer bottle, so Hall was going to be in jail for a long time. The girls could no longer live at their house because they couldn't pay for it. Rasmussen tells Sally that her and Troo are to come live with him. At the funeral, Troo was super excited about the idea. After the funeral though, Eddie and Nell take the girls to the hospital to see their mother.

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