Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Last Song
Nicholas Sparks
popular fiction
pg. 1-66

Ronnie lives in New York City with her mom and little brother. She is leaving the city to go spend her summer with her dad in North Carolina against her will. Her mom drives her and Jonah (her little brother) there. They arrive, and Ronnie acts very teenager like. She doesn't want to be there and makes it clear. Upon her arrival, she leaves her father's house to go explore. She goes and walks down the beach to the pier. On the pier, Ronnie meets an interesting girl named Blaze. Blaze is very strange, her and her boyfriend, Marcus, have an interesting relationship. They take a weird liking to Ronnie. Ronnie however, is ran into by a very good looking volleyball player, who spills her drink all over herself. He feels horrible and wants to make it up to her. His name is Will and he also takes a liking to Ronnie. But Ronnie ignores him for now, and heads off to find herself a new shirt. She also buys a new shirt in order to hide from her dad, wanting to be alone. Afterwords, Ronnie finds herself going off to a shady, sketchy place with Blaze and Marcus.

So far I'm loving this book! I've seen the movie but finally decided to read the book. It's pretty intriguing. It has that same, predictable story line as most popular novels do. I really think Ronnie could do better for herself, but I'm just trying not to ruin it for myself because I have seen the movie. Until next time!

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