Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Teenagers, Friends and Bad Decisions

This article discusses how research has shown that teenagers are more likely to make bad decisions when with their friends. They are under lots of peer pressure when they're with all their friends. They feel the need to do what they think would be cool and popular in order to impress their friends, although many times it's not the best decision. I know from experience that my friends and I are definitely more likely to get into trouble when we are together rather than alone. We feel the need to not care as much and have fun. But we don't do anything dangerous like some teenagers. Some teenagers will put their life and the lives of others in danger because of peer pressure. Many times it involves decisions with driving, alcohol, or drugs. I can say I've never dealt with that, but some teenagers end up in bad places when they're when their friends, all because of peer pressure.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion over teen driving. I am pretty sure that every teenager has a mind of their own, and should not follow or get pressured into what their friends tell them. To most drivers, it is mostly about being "cool," and having a certain status that everyone knows them by.
