Monday, January 31, 2011

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Literary Fiction
pg. 138-170

So now Charlie just kissed Sam instead of Mary Elizabeth and is facing the consequences. His winter break isn't over yet, but he is spending it alone because none of his friends have called him since the incident. Although, he did call Mary Elizabeth to apologize and she just said it's too late. After going a week without talking to any of them, Charlie ended up calling his friend buy pot, and has been smoking it ever since. Charlie experiences this slump still, withdrawn from his friends because of what he did. But Charlie did continue to see Bob, when he kept buying more pot. Meanwhile, Patrick (who is gay) had been secretly seeing Brad (the senior quarterback), and Brad's father recently caught the two of them together. Brad acted drunk and like it never happened although it did. And at school one day, Patrick got into a fight with Brad and the other jocks, and Patrick would have been completely outnumbered, but Charlie joined the fight, evening it out. Patrick was suspended for a week, but Brad and Charlie only got detention because it was "self-defense." This mended the relationship between Charlie and his whole group of senior friends. Now Patrick was experiencing a hard time since his break up with Brad. He starts spending a lot of time with Charlie. They become really close. One day, Patrick even kissed Charlie and Charlie allowed it because he thought he was being a good friend. But the school year is starting to come to an end, and all of Charlie's friends happen to be seniors so they are preparing for graduation and prom, and Charlie is alone again.

So during this part Charlie really gets in to drugs and that's really similar to kids today. When some kids get lonely and are going through a rough time, they turn to drugs. Just like Charlie. Still, the book portrays all the experiences of high school. The drugs, breaking up, fights, and more. The whole thing about Patrick kissing Charlie is different to me. Most teenagers wouldn't kiss their friends just to be a good friend and help them feel better, it's weird to me. But I guess that's why Charlie is a wallflower.

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