Sunday, January 16, 2011

Such a Pretty Girl
Laura Weiss
pg 118-160

So at this point in the book, Meredith has run away from her home in attempt to avoid her father. She ended up at her grandmother's where Meredith, her mother, and her grandmother enter an argument over the current situation between Meredith and her father. Although, she still decides to return home in order to sacrifice herself. Meredith conjures up a plan in her mind to let her father break his agreement by returning to his old ways. She figures that she has already experienced it once, so if he just uses her again she can spare the someone else's sake. But I'll stop there. I don't want to ruin anything. I've probably said too much already.

The book so far has had some creepy or disturbing parts when Meredith is recalling the past with her father. It's so life like. But I do admire Meredith in a way. She is willing to sacrifice her self for the sake of others. While it might have horrible repercussions for her, it would really help to protect all the other children. Most kids these days would be too afraid or even selfish to save others. I don't even know what I would do if I were her though.

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