Monday, January 10, 2011

Such a Pretty Girl
Laura Weiss
maybe literary fiction? probably not though...
pg 1-75

In these pages, it introduces the story as most novels do. It tells you about Meredith, a fifteen year old girl, who is forced to deal with her father. However, her father has just been released from prison after only three years, when he was supposed to remain there for nine years. Her father, Charles, was imprisoned as a sex offender after molesting a known total of five children, including his own daughter. But anyways, he comes back into her life due to her mother's turning of the cheek towards the whole situation. Her mother believes the whole thing was an accident and Meredith should forgive her father, however she disagrees with her mother. In attempt to push her father away, Meredith rebels in numerous ways to keep her father out of her life to remove the fear of yet another incident. She does find herself a safe haven in a neighboring condo, where her overly religious, paralyzed beau, Andy, lives with his even more religious mother. Andy and Meredith share a common experience though. Andy too had horrid experiences with Meredith's father numerous years ago. Upon his arrival, Meredith sabotages all that she can to make her father want to leave, however it only brings him closer. He intends to put a strict hold on his daughter, although the law states he is not allowed to be alone with her at any point without the presence of another adult. Despite that, he breaks the law when she wakes up to find him in her condo with her mother gone. She proceeds to trick both her mother and father and run away to Andy's, bringing me to page 75.

I really enjoy this book actually. It keeps me entertained by telling a story that could very possibly be true. Various times Meredith also recalls incidents in her past telling about her father, alluding to her great fear of him today. Although, parts of it are unappealing, such as the fact of a fifteen year old girl smoking cigarettes habitually already. However, I really enjoy this book and I'm excited to finish it.

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