Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Such a Pretty Girl
Laura Weiss
pg. 76-117

So in the first part of the book, Meredith's father is released from prison causing lots of drama. However, now she has escaped from her house and Andy's house in fear of being used by his mother to avenge her own son. She then leaves the area, escaping to her grandmother's house where she knows she will be protected. Upon her arrival, she finds that her mother has already beat her there. The three enter a huge argument leading to Meredith moving in with her grandmother. However, I don't want to spoil anything so I will stop talking about that.

Throughout the first part of the book, Meredith has a strange obsession with numbers though. She enjoys even number a lot, but odd ones as well. She has so many different views. At one point she enjoys the number seven because she believes seven is the number of completion. To really understand her whole numbers theory you have to read the book.

I'm now more than halfway through the book and I really enjoy it. It's so life like and makes me think about all the people who really do have to deal with situations like Meredith's. It makes me wonder how they deal with that, it would cause serious emotional and even physical scarring. I also wonder how people can get away with stuff like that. Her father was in jail for only three years when it was supposed to be nine. That just doesn't seem right to me. He was supposed to be there for nine years so that when he was released she would be all grown up and gone and not forced to deal with him. It just makes me curious of how people like that could even be allowed to released from prison early.

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