Friday, May 27, 2011

The Final Blog!

Etymology this year has been so busy! Between the reading, poetry, blogging, and writing, it was a little overwhelming. I like the idea of a blog, but even though were always on the computer, it just seemed a little time consuming to blog. The reading was a lot too. Most of us have reading for our other english classes too, so all of the reading just overwhelms us. Overall, I think I read about 2000 pages. I didn't read much more than I had to. I was so busy. Before this class, I didn't read too much on my own. I only read what I had to. Now, I read a little more than before, but I still don't read that much. I use to read only the classic chick books, but I've started to read more now. I had a little trouble finding something to stick with towards the end. So I did start some books that I never finished. When I read though, I usually read with music on with my phone with me. I always get into the books, but usually stop once my phone rings. I don't concentrate on one thing very well so I can't help it. At the beginning of the semester, I definitely didn't like poetry at all. But now, I like it a little more, but it's not my favorite...but it's definitely a lottttt better now! Overall though, I enjoyed this class though, it was a good class. It helped with writing and reading.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So prom is this weekend...only 3 days away! I am very very excited for it! I'm borrowing a dress from one of my good friend's sister. It's a beautiful yellow dress that I'm super pumped to wear! I still don't really know what I'm doing after prom yet though. But before prom, the group of 30 people (crazy I know!) is going to take pictures at someone's house then go to Eddie Merlot's for dinner! It should be a great night :)
My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 300-382

So the book is back to Campbell's view as they enter the courtroom. Throughout this part of the book, the trial takes place. They debate over whether or not Anna should be granted custody of her own body. Brian falls apart during the trial, crying in front of everybody. It was the first time Anna had even seen him cry, filling her with some guilt. However, it's back to Sara's view as she talks in the present for the first time in the novel. She questions Brian during the trial, recalling why they came together in the first place. Sara also mentions they're going to lose her, talking about either Sara or Anna because there's no way they'll both survive happily. Towards the end of the section, the court comes to a verdict, but I don't want to spoil it!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 249-299

The book is back to Anna's view and she is waiting at the hospital with Kate and Sara. Kate is within a week of dying according to the doctors. Sara is crying so Anna tells her to stop but Sara just tells her to stop too, talking about the lawsuit. Anna returns to fire station and is talking to Julia about her crush, Kyle, and tries to imagine what life will be like when Kate dies. However, her mom calls to apologize for earlier. It's back to Sara's view as she flashes back to 2001 at Anna's hockey game. That night after the game, Kate wakes up bleeding badly. She is relapsing again and the doctor suggests and arsenic therapy. However, she fines Brian writing a eulogy for Kate, but Sara says it's not time yet because they'll try to the new treatment. Kate slips into a come though and Sara is called to Jesse's school after he blows up a septic tank, getting expelled. He also admits that he has been donating blood platelets for Kate. And Anna has been accepted into a prestigious hockey camp but isn't allowed to go because they might need her for Kate. However, Anna believes she won't even be alive when it's time for the camp in a year. In the present, it's back to Anna's view as she meets with Sara and Campbell at his office. Sara wants her to donate a kidney to Kate and she'll never ask for anything again, but Anna refuses. It's now to Julia's point of view when Campbell asks her out to dinner to discuss the case. He ends up taking her out on his boat, and after some arguments, they end up in a kiss that felt completely natural to Julia. It's back to Campbell's view as he wakes up on the boat with Julia, but leaves to go to the courthouse where Anna is missing. He goes to find her in Kate's hospital room and takes her back to court. The trial begins with Campbell interrogating Sara first, as she talks about Anna's conception and more.

The book is still intensifying. I'm trying to guess what will happen between Julia and Campbell. I think they'll be back together for sure. But of course I still feel bad for Jesse.

poems for anthology

theme: Billy Collins' poems

"Morning" video poem
"Introduction to Poetry"
"Man in Space"
"Field Guide"
"A Portrait of the Reader with a Bowl of Cereal"
"As If to Demonstrate an Eclipse"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 201-248

The book went back to Campbell's point of view and he's recalling his high school years and his relationship with Julia. His family didn't like them which made him tell Julia their relationship was over. Back to reality, Campbell goes to the hospital to speak with Dr. Bergen, the head of the ethics committee. However, Campbell goes to meet Julia at an Italian restaurant to discuss Anna's case. While they're there, Campbell receives a phone call from Anna who asks him to meet her at the police station. Him and Julia arrive to find out that Jesse has stolen a judge's car, and asks for his help. He manages to have Jesse released on probation. In the car ride home, Anna explodes to Campbell about how she's sick but never sick enough for her family. It's back to Brian's view when Campbell arrives at the fire station with Anna. Brian and Campbell talk alone and Brian admits he agrees with Anna completely and would be willing to tell that same thing to a judge. Brian recalls the night before when one of the other firefighters told him he should take time off but he refused because he didn't want to be at the house. It's back to Sara's view in 1997, and Kate is relapsing again and needs an urgent bone marrow transplant. Their insurance refuses to cover it but Brian tells Sara that the firefighters raised enough money to cover it. Anna is only 6 years old but is not forced to donate the bone marrow, but of course Sara guilts her into it by telling her that everyone is counting on her. A few weeks later though, Brian and Sara go out to dinner but can't talk about anything other than Kate because that's all they know now. Kate returns home from the hospital bald from her chemotherapy and she refuses to leave the house. Sara also discovers that the firefighters never raised that money, Brian took it from Kate's college fund because he doesn't think she'll live that long. However, Sara and Anna both shave their heads to look like Kate. The book is back to Jesse's view, and he has picked up his friend Dan in a dump truck he stole. He then has a flashback of how he used to receive guilt gifts from his parents whenever Kate became seriously ill and his parents never held their promises with him. Now in reality, Jesse takes Dan to this shed he sets on fire until he discovers a homeless man named Rat lives in there. Jesse goes to save Rat before the fire trucks arrive.

It's getting intense still. I still feel horrible for Jesse. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be in his position. To have to cause trouble in order to be noticed by his parents. It's sad!

Quality Time, Redefined

In "Quality Time, Redefined," the article talks about how families no longer spend quality time together. Instead, families are spending more and more time on there electronic devices. In the picture, the Combs family is all individually absorbed in to their electronics. The little girl is on her iTouch, the little boy is playing the Wii, while the mom is on the iPad, and the dad is on his laptop. Sometimes, my family is similar to this. Most of the time, my parents always get mad at me for texting all the time. My mom is always on her computer though while my dad watches tv. But we still spend lots of quality time together, but I usually still text.

Monday, May 2, 2011


So a bunch of my friends and I all play softball for the Aboite Softball League. It's slow pitched softball and a lot of fun. We all get to play each other eventually. Tonight was our first game though. I was really nervous because I am not very all. But I ended up not doing bad because I never struck out. So I'd consider it a success! And on top of that, we won!
My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 163-200

The book went back to Sara's view, where she has a flash back to 1996. It's Kate's 8th birthday party and she has been in remission for 5 years. However, she begins to fail again and needs a blood donation from Anna. Brian disagrees because they originally said they would only take 1 donation from Anna. Sara dismisses his concern and has Anna donate blood a total of 3 times! It switches to Anna's view as she recalls when she used to wonder what life would be like if Kate died. She returns to reality where a judge just ordered a restraining order against Sara from Anna. Anna never asked for that, but Sara is furious, regardless. Anna then changes her mind to not go trough with the lawsuit, but she then goes to stay with Brian at the fire station to keep her distance from Sara. It's back to Campbell's view and he leaves the courthouse to talk to all the reporters outside to gain the attention he wants. Him and Sara then go to speak with Judge DeSalvo, and Julia comes in to say that Anna is confused about what she wants. They all leave to find Anna, but find out she has left with Brian. Julia manages to inform Brian that Anna has changed her mind before he escapes to an empty room. It's back to Jesse's view when he comes home to find Julia who asks for Anna. No one is home, but he ends up telling a story of when he was 12 and he found a tree for his family and all of his gifts were from the hospital gift shop. He expresses his frustration of growing up in his family, but he says at least his parents notice Anna. It's now to Brian's view and he has taken Anna back to the fire station. He goes out on a call to a nursing home where Anna accompanies him to help. They have to take the old lady to the hospital where he loses Anna, only to find her in Kate's room curled up in Sara's lap.

The book is getting very intense. I personally feel really bad for Jesse because his parents don't notice him and the only way for him to get noticed is by getting in trouble. And I also don't think Anna should back out of the lawsuit, but that's just me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 107-162

So the book is now from Julia's view, who has been asked to be Anna's temporary guardian. She tries to figure out why Anna filed the lawsuit and tries to talk to Sara but is blown off. Julia then decides to go see Campbell, who she used to have a relationship with. The book switches to Campbell's view, who is working in his office when Julia arrives. After some awkwardness, they discuss Anna's situation. Campbell doesn't think Anna should live there during the trial, but Julia feels thats not the way to go. But, Campbell gets up to leave the room while thinking about when he first met Julia, and returns to his office to find Julia gone. Campbell then goes to see Anna at her house, going to see Julia after that. However, he initially mistakes her twin sister Izzy for her instead. It goes back to Anna's view, as she asks Jesse to drive her to the hospital to see Kate. When they get there, Jesse acts drunk to get Sara away from Kate's room so Anna can go in. Anna admits that she didn't go to see Kate to see if she was feeling better, but because without Kate there, Anna can't remember who she is. It's now to Brian's view and he is meeting with Julia. They discuss the situation with Anna, and Brian asks Julia to come with him to meet someone. It's Julia's view now, and she's riding with Brian as she thinks about her and Campbell's past and how after he left she began to drink heavily after he said he loved her and they had sex. Brian and Julia go to the house to find Anna to take her to the hospital. There, they plan to tell Kate that Anna has not dropped the lawsuit. Sara tries to fight it but fails. Julia goes in to talk to Kate alone and asks about Jesse. Kate says that he gets into trouble because it's the only way he gets noticed.