Friday, May 27, 2011

The Final Blog!

Etymology this year has been so busy! Between the reading, poetry, blogging, and writing, it was a little overwhelming. I like the idea of a blog, but even though were always on the computer, it just seemed a little time consuming to blog. The reading was a lot too. Most of us have reading for our other english classes too, so all of the reading just overwhelms us. Overall, I think I read about 2000 pages. I didn't read much more than I had to. I was so busy. Before this class, I didn't read too much on my own. I only read what I had to. Now, I read a little more than before, but I still don't read that much. I use to read only the classic chick books, but I've started to read more now. I had a little trouble finding something to stick with towards the end. So I did start some books that I never finished. When I read though, I usually read with music on with my phone with me. I always get into the books, but usually stop once my phone rings. I don't concentrate on one thing very well so I can't help it. At the beginning of the semester, I definitely didn't like poetry at all. But now, I like it a little more, but it's not my favorite...but it's definitely a lottttt better now! Overall though, I enjoyed this class though, it was a good class. It helped with writing and reading.

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