Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 300-382

So the book is back to Campbell's view as they enter the courtroom. Throughout this part of the book, the trial takes place. They debate over whether or not Anna should be granted custody of her own body. Brian falls apart during the trial, crying in front of everybody. It was the first time Anna had even seen him cry, filling her with some guilt. However, it's back to Sara's view as she talks in the present for the first time in the novel. She questions Brian during the trial, recalling why they came together in the first place. Sara also mentions they're going to lose her, talking about either Sara or Anna because there's no way they'll both survive happily. Towards the end of the section, the court comes to a verdict, but I don't want to spoil it!

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