Monday, May 2, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 163-200

The book went back to Sara's view, where she has a flash back to 1996. It's Kate's 8th birthday party and she has been in remission for 5 years. However, she begins to fail again and needs a blood donation from Anna. Brian disagrees because they originally said they would only take 1 donation from Anna. Sara dismisses his concern and has Anna donate blood a total of 3 times! It switches to Anna's view as she recalls when she used to wonder what life would be like if Kate died. She returns to reality where a judge just ordered a restraining order against Sara from Anna. Anna never asked for that, but Sara is furious, regardless. Anna then changes her mind to not go trough with the lawsuit, but she then goes to stay with Brian at the fire station to keep her distance from Sara. It's back to Campbell's view and he leaves the courthouse to talk to all the reporters outside to gain the attention he wants. Him and Sara then go to speak with Judge DeSalvo, and Julia comes in to say that Anna is confused about what she wants. They all leave to find Anna, but find out she has left with Brian. Julia manages to inform Brian that Anna has changed her mind before he escapes to an empty room. It's back to Jesse's view when he comes home to find Julia who asks for Anna. No one is home, but he ends up telling a story of when he was 12 and he found a tree for his family and all of his gifts were from the hospital gift shop. He expresses his frustration of growing up in his family, but he says at least his parents notice Anna. It's now to Brian's view and he has taken Anna back to the fire station. He goes out on a call to a nursing home where Anna accompanies him to help. They have to take the old lady to the hospital where he loses Anna, only to find her in Kate's room curled up in Sara's lap.

The book is getting very intense. I personally feel really bad for Jesse because his parents don't notice him and the only way for him to get noticed is by getting in trouble. And I also don't think Anna should back out of the lawsuit, but that's just me.

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