Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 249-299

The book is back to Anna's view and she is waiting at the hospital with Kate and Sara. Kate is within a week of dying according to the doctors. Sara is crying so Anna tells her to stop but Sara just tells her to stop too, talking about the lawsuit. Anna returns to fire station and is talking to Julia about her crush, Kyle, and tries to imagine what life will be like when Kate dies. However, her mom calls to apologize for earlier. It's back to Sara's view as she flashes back to 2001 at Anna's hockey game. That night after the game, Kate wakes up bleeding badly. She is relapsing again and the doctor suggests and arsenic therapy. However, she fines Brian writing a eulogy for Kate, but Sara says it's not time yet because they'll try to the new treatment. Kate slips into a come though and Sara is called to Jesse's school after he blows up a septic tank, getting expelled. He also admits that he has been donating blood platelets for Kate. And Anna has been accepted into a prestigious hockey camp but isn't allowed to go because they might need her for Kate. However, Anna believes she won't even be alive when it's time for the camp in a year. In the present, it's back to Anna's view as she meets with Sara and Campbell at his office. Sara wants her to donate a kidney to Kate and she'll never ask for anything again, but Anna refuses. It's now to Julia's point of view when Campbell asks her out to dinner to discuss the case. He ends up taking her out on his boat, and after some arguments, they end up in a kiss that felt completely natural to Julia. It's back to Campbell's view as he wakes up on the boat with Julia, but leaves to go to the courthouse where Anna is missing. He goes to find her in Kate's hospital room and takes her back to court. The trial begins with Campbell interrogating Sara first, as she talks about Anna's conception and more.

The book is still intensifying. I'm trying to guess what will happen between Julia and Campbell. I think they'll be back together for sure. But of course I still feel bad for Jesse.

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