Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 201-248

The book went back to Campbell's point of view and he's recalling his high school years and his relationship with Julia. His family didn't like them which made him tell Julia their relationship was over. Back to reality, Campbell goes to the hospital to speak with Dr. Bergen, the head of the ethics committee. However, Campbell goes to meet Julia at an Italian restaurant to discuss Anna's case. While they're there, Campbell receives a phone call from Anna who asks him to meet her at the police station. Him and Julia arrive to find out that Jesse has stolen a judge's car, and asks for his help. He manages to have Jesse released on probation. In the car ride home, Anna explodes to Campbell about how she's sick but never sick enough for her family. It's back to Brian's view when Campbell arrives at the fire station with Anna. Brian and Campbell talk alone and Brian admits he agrees with Anna completely and would be willing to tell that same thing to a judge. Brian recalls the night before when one of the other firefighters told him he should take time off but he refused because he didn't want to be at the house. It's back to Sara's view in 1997, and Kate is relapsing again and needs an urgent bone marrow transplant. Their insurance refuses to cover it but Brian tells Sara that the firefighters raised enough money to cover it. Anna is only 6 years old but is not forced to donate the bone marrow, but of course Sara guilts her into it by telling her that everyone is counting on her. A few weeks later though, Brian and Sara go out to dinner but can't talk about anything other than Kate because that's all they know now. Kate returns home from the hospital bald from her chemotherapy and she refuses to leave the house. Sara also discovers that the firefighters never raised that money, Brian took it from Kate's college fund because he doesn't think she'll live that long. However, Sara and Anna both shave their heads to look like Kate. The book is back to Jesse's view, and he has picked up his friend Dan in a dump truck he stole. He then has a flashback of how he used to receive guilt gifts from his parents whenever Kate became seriously ill and his parents never held their promises with him. Now in reality, Jesse takes Dan to this shed he sets on fire until he discovers a homeless man named Rat lives in there. Jesse goes to save Rat before the fire trucks arrive.

It's getting intense still. I still feel horrible for Jesse. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be in his position. To have to cause trouble in order to be noticed by his parents. It's sad!

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