Friday, May 27, 2011

The Final Blog!

Etymology this year has been so busy! Between the reading, poetry, blogging, and writing, it was a little overwhelming. I like the idea of a blog, but even though were always on the computer, it just seemed a little time consuming to blog. The reading was a lot too. Most of us have reading for our other english classes too, so all of the reading just overwhelms us. Overall, I think I read about 2000 pages. I didn't read much more than I had to. I was so busy. Before this class, I didn't read too much on my own. I only read what I had to. Now, I read a little more than before, but I still don't read that much. I use to read only the classic chick books, but I've started to read more now. I had a little trouble finding something to stick with towards the end. So I did start some books that I never finished. When I read though, I usually read with music on with my phone with me. I always get into the books, but usually stop once my phone rings. I don't concentrate on one thing very well so I can't help it. At the beginning of the semester, I definitely didn't like poetry at all. But now, I like it a little more, but it's not my favorite...but it's definitely a lottttt better now! Overall though, I enjoyed this class though, it was a good class. It helped with writing and reading.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So prom is this weekend...only 3 days away! I am very very excited for it! I'm borrowing a dress from one of my good friend's sister. It's a beautiful yellow dress that I'm super pumped to wear! I still don't really know what I'm doing after prom yet though. But before prom, the group of 30 people (crazy I know!) is going to take pictures at someone's house then go to Eddie Merlot's for dinner! It should be a great night :)
My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 300-382

So the book is back to Campbell's view as they enter the courtroom. Throughout this part of the book, the trial takes place. They debate over whether or not Anna should be granted custody of her own body. Brian falls apart during the trial, crying in front of everybody. It was the first time Anna had even seen him cry, filling her with some guilt. However, it's back to Sara's view as she talks in the present for the first time in the novel. She questions Brian during the trial, recalling why they came together in the first place. Sara also mentions they're going to lose her, talking about either Sara or Anna because there's no way they'll both survive happily. Towards the end of the section, the court comes to a verdict, but I don't want to spoil it!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 249-299

The book is back to Anna's view and she is waiting at the hospital with Kate and Sara. Kate is within a week of dying according to the doctors. Sara is crying so Anna tells her to stop but Sara just tells her to stop too, talking about the lawsuit. Anna returns to fire station and is talking to Julia about her crush, Kyle, and tries to imagine what life will be like when Kate dies. However, her mom calls to apologize for earlier. It's back to Sara's view as she flashes back to 2001 at Anna's hockey game. That night after the game, Kate wakes up bleeding badly. She is relapsing again and the doctor suggests and arsenic therapy. However, she fines Brian writing a eulogy for Kate, but Sara says it's not time yet because they'll try to the new treatment. Kate slips into a come though and Sara is called to Jesse's school after he blows up a septic tank, getting expelled. He also admits that he has been donating blood platelets for Kate. And Anna has been accepted into a prestigious hockey camp but isn't allowed to go because they might need her for Kate. However, Anna believes she won't even be alive when it's time for the camp in a year. In the present, it's back to Anna's view as she meets with Sara and Campbell at his office. Sara wants her to donate a kidney to Kate and she'll never ask for anything again, but Anna refuses. It's now to Julia's point of view when Campbell asks her out to dinner to discuss the case. He ends up taking her out on his boat, and after some arguments, they end up in a kiss that felt completely natural to Julia. It's back to Campbell's view as he wakes up on the boat with Julia, but leaves to go to the courthouse where Anna is missing. He goes to find her in Kate's hospital room and takes her back to court. The trial begins with Campbell interrogating Sara first, as she talks about Anna's conception and more.

The book is still intensifying. I'm trying to guess what will happen between Julia and Campbell. I think they'll be back together for sure. But of course I still feel bad for Jesse.

poems for anthology

theme: Billy Collins' poems

"Morning" video poem
"Introduction to Poetry"
"Man in Space"
"Field Guide"
"A Portrait of the Reader with a Bowl of Cereal"
"As If to Demonstrate an Eclipse"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 201-248

The book went back to Campbell's point of view and he's recalling his high school years and his relationship with Julia. His family didn't like them which made him tell Julia their relationship was over. Back to reality, Campbell goes to the hospital to speak with Dr. Bergen, the head of the ethics committee. However, Campbell goes to meet Julia at an Italian restaurant to discuss Anna's case. While they're there, Campbell receives a phone call from Anna who asks him to meet her at the police station. Him and Julia arrive to find out that Jesse has stolen a judge's car, and asks for his help. He manages to have Jesse released on probation. In the car ride home, Anna explodes to Campbell about how she's sick but never sick enough for her family. It's back to Brian's view when Campbell arrives at the fire station with Anna. Brian and Campbell talk alone and Brian admits he agrees with Anna completely and would be willing to tell that same thing to a judge. Brian recalls the night before when one of the other firefighters told him he should take time off but he refused because he didn't want to be at the house. It's back to Sara's view in 1997, and Kate is relapsing again and needs an urgent bone marrow transplant. Their insurance refuses to cover it but Brian tells Sara that the firefighters raised enough money to cover it. Anna is only 6 years old but is not forced to donate the bone marrow, but of course Sara guilts her into it by telling her that everyone is counting on her. A few weeks later though, Brian and Sara go out to dinner but can't talk about anything other than Kate because that's all they know now. Kate returns home from the hospital bald from her chemotherapy and she refuses to leave the house. Sara also discovers that the firefighters never raised that money, Brian took it from Kate's college fund because he doesn't think she'll live that long. However, Sara and Anna both shave their heads to look like Kate. The book is back to Jesse's view, and he has picked up his friend Dan in a dump truck he stole. He then has a flashback of how he used to receive guilt gifts from his parents whenever Kate became seriously ill and his parents never held their promises with him. Now in reality, Jesse takes Dan to this shed he sets on fire until he discovers a homeless man named Rat lives in there. Jesse goes to save Rat before the fire trucks arrive.

It's getting intense still. I still feel horrible for Jesse. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be in his position. To have to cause trouble in order to be noticed by his parents. It's sad!

Quality Time, Redefined

In "Quality Time, Redefined," the article talks about how families no longer spend quality time together. Instead, families are spending more and more time on there electronic devices. In the picture, the Combs family is all individually absorbed in to their electronics. The little girl is on her iTouch, the little boy is playing the Wii, while the mom is on the iPad, and the dad is on his laptop. Sometimes, my family is similar to this. Most of the time, my parents always get mad at me for texting all the time. My mom is always on her computer though while my dad watches tv. But we still spend lots of quality time together, but I usually still text.

Monday, May 2, 2011


So a bunch of my friends and I all play softball for the Aboite Softball League. It's slow pitched softball and a lot of fun. We all get to play each other eventually. Tonight was our first game though. I was really nervous because I am not very all. But I ended up not doing bad because I never struck out. So I'd consider it a success! And on top of that, we won!
My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 163-200

The book went back to Sara's view, where she has a flash back to 1996. It's Kate's 8th birthday party and she has been in remission for 5 years. However, she begins to fail again and needs a blood donation from Anna. Brian disagrees because they originally said they would only take 1 donation from Anna. Sara dismisses his concern and has Anna donate blood a total of 3 times! It switches to Anna's view as she recalls when she used to wonder what life would be like if Kate died. She returns to reality where a judge just ordered a restraining order against Sara from Anna. Anna never asked for that, but Sara is furious, regardless. Anna then changes her mind to not go trough with the lawsuit, but she then goes to stay with Brian at the fire station to keep her distance from Sara. It's back to Campbell's view and he leaves the courthouse to talk to all the reporters outside to gain the attention he wants. Him and Sara then go to speak with Judge DeSalvo, and Julia comes in to say that Anna is confused about what she wants. They all leave to find Anna, but find out she has left with Brian. Julia manages to inform Brian that Anna has changed her mind before he escapes to an empty room. It's back to Jesse's view when he comes home to find Julia who asks for Anna. No one is home, but he ends up telling a story of when he was 12 and he found a tree for his family and all of his gifts were from the hospital gift shop. He expresses his frustration of growing up in his family, but he says at least his parents notice Anna. It's now to Brian's view and he has taken Anna back to the fire station. He goes out on a call to a nursing home where Anna accompanies him to help. They have to take the old lady to the hospital where he loses Anna, only to find her in Kate's room curled up in Sara's lap.

The book is getting very intense. I personally feel really bad for Jesse because his parents don't notice him and the only way for him to get noticed is by getting in trouble. And I also don't think Anna should back out of the lawsuit, but that's just me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 107-162

So the book is now from Julia's view, who has been asked to be Anna's temporary guardian. She tries to figure out why Anna filed the lawsuit and tries to talk to Sara but is blown off. Julia then decides to go see Campbell, who she used to have a relationship with. The book switches to Campbell's view, who is working in his office when Julia arrives. After some awkwardness, they discuss Anna's situation. Campbell doesn't think Anna should live there during the trial, but Julia feels thats not the way to go. But, Campbell gets up to leave the room while thinking about when he first met Julia, and returns to his office to find Julia gone. Campbell then goes to see Anna at her house, going to see Julia after that. However, he initially mistakes her twin sister Izzy for her instead. It goes back to Anna's view, as she asks Jesse to drive her to the hospital to see Kate. When they get there, Jesse acts drunk to get Sara away from Kate's room so Anna can go in. Anna admits that she didn't go to see Kate to see if she was feeling better, but because without Kate there, Anna can't remember who she is. It's now to Brian's view and he is meeting with Julia. They discuss the situation with Anna, and Brian asks Julia to come with him to meet someone. It's Julia's view now, and she's riding with Brian as she thinks about her and Campbell's past and how after he left she began to drink heavily after he said he loved her and they had sex. Brian and Julia go to the house to find Anna to take her to the hospital. There, they plan to tell Kate that Anna has not dropped the lawsuit. Sara tries to fight it but fails. Julia goes in to talk to Kate alone and asks about Jesse. Kate says that he gets into trouble because it's the only way he gets noticed.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


So today I went on a college visit to Purdue. It was my first time ever going there. I went with my mom, my 2 friends, and their parents that both went there. It was nice for the most part. We met with the college for nursing for my friend. It was kinda creepy to see all of their life like dummies that they use for practice. They looked life like and creeped me out!! We also met with the college of engineering because my other friend and I thought we might be interested. Turns out, that's definitely not our thing at all. But we got to go on the usual tour of the whole campus. It was pretty nice, I'm not for sure if it's for me or not. It'd help if I knew what I wanted to study, but I'm clueless.....
My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 73-106

The book is back to Campbell's point of view and he questions himself about the relationships between children and their parents. However, he returns to his office to find Anna waiting for him and while he meets with her, Sara calls to talk to him. But he soon leaves to meet Sara at the courthouse with Judge DeSalvo. He determines that nothing can be decided until he speaks with Anna. The book goes back to Anna's view as she talks with Judge DeSalvo. Anna tells him she can't donate her kidney to Kate and being a donor has never been her choice. He appoints her a temporary guardian to help with her decisions until the trial. Anna returns home with Sara and Sara becomes furious, thinking that by refusing to donate, Anna is basically signing Kate's death away. This causes Anna to runaway to a laundry mat where she feels the safest. The book turns to Jesse's view as he contemplates his worthlessness towards his family. He ends up meeting this homeless man though who will watch over his stolen items in return for food. But then, Jesse ends up setting fire to a warehouse before going home to discover Kate vomitting blood. He drives her to the hospital where they discover she is in the end stages of kidney failure. He offers his own kidney but it's not a match. Sara mentions something about telling Anna. It's back to Sara's view, and she goes back to 1990-1991, when she was pregnant with Anna and how she knew everything about her since she was designed to help save Kate's life. Sara went into labor on New Year's Eve while Kate began chemotherapy which made her violently ill, causing the doctors to use the blood from Anna's umbilical cord to save her life.

So I'm torn on this book. I can see how Anna is against her parents using her body without her approval, but then again, I don't know why Anna won't help out her sister if it won't harm herself. It's confusing to me. I see both sides of the situation.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
popular fiction
pg. 1-72

The book starts up with 13 year old Anna Fitzgerald talking about where babies come from. Except, she was specifically designed by doctors from her mother and father's genes so that when she was born she could be used to help save her sister Kate, who has leukemia. Anna talks about all the surgeries and medical procedures she has to go through in order to save her sister. However, Anna finds an ad for a lawyer, Campbell Alexander, who she has her brother Jesse take her to. She asks to sue her family for the right to her own body. Next, the book changes to Campbell's perspective of the meeting with Anna. He agrees to do the case because he feels that it will be great publicity for him and an easy win. Next, the book switches to Sara's, the girls' mother, point of view. She recalls years earlier when they discovered that Kate had leukemia and that she wasn't going to let her die in any way. The book is now on to Brian's, their father's, point of view. He talks about their family dinner, when he notices how Anna is very distant like something is wrong. It's now back to Anna's perspective, and she is at the hospital with her mom while Kate goes through her dialysis. Sara begins to try to convince Anna to donate a kidney to her sister when a sheriff appears with the papers for Anna's lawsuit. Sara becomes angry but Anna runs away when Kate becomes in pain. Later, Kate comes home and talks to Anna, telling her she can't stand to lose her. Sara comes in later though to tell Anna she thinks they could talk it all out with a judge. The book then goes back to Sara's point of view, who has a flashback again. She recalls when Kate first begins her cancer treatments. They only make her sick at first, and the doctors tell Sara her daughter could be helped if they have a child with a DNA match to Kate's, inspiring Sara to have another kid that ends up being Anna.

I can already tell this book will be really sad! I've never been able to watch the movie, I was too afraid of crying, but I thought I'd give the book a chance. I agree with Anna though, she deserves the right to her own body, her mother has no right to do any of this to her. But until next time!


School is crazy right now! It's so beyond stressful! There's sooo much to do. All the teachers are trying to cram everything in by the end of the year. It's killing me! In AP Lit, were doing research projects and they are killer. I chose to study Alfred Hitchcock, so I have to watch 6 of him films and write a summary, the critic's view, and my own analysis over each. That's 18 essays!! It's seriously going to be the death of me....I'm so ready for summer! I just need this year to be over because I'm sure I will have major senioritis next year...I already have some now!


I think that Happy Talk had a really good reading log on her blog. She consistently posts, with some personal posts in there as well. I really like her picture of Little Peter Rabbit. It reminded me of Easter even though it was only Sunday. I also really enjoy Black Coffee's personal posts. I love her picture of the awkward childhood pictures. I really enjoy both of their blogs.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
literary fiction
pg. 141-181

So winter is back in Packingtown. It causes stress throughout the family. Twice, Ona doesn't come home from work saying she was staying with a friend because of snow. However, Jurgis soon discovers the truth: her boss raped her in the factory and forced her to be his mistress or else they would all lose their jobs. Jurgis was furious and went to her work and attacked the boss until some men pulled him off and took him to the police station. Jurgis is taken into jail and his bond is set $300. He is transferred to the county jail where he is stripped and taken into a cell. While there, he hears the bells, reminding him that it's Christmas Eve and his family is now alone. Jurgis becomes good friends with his cell mate, Jack, who gave him his mistress's number if he ever needed help. However, his trial came around and he was sentenced to 30 days in prison by the unsympathetic judge. While in prison, Stanislovas comes to visit, informing Jurgis that everyone except for the children selling newspapers have lost their jobs. Ona lies in bed crying all day and Marija is suffering from blood poisoning. Eventually, Jurgis is released from prison after having to stay 3 extra days in order to pay for his trial. He walks 20 miles to his home just to discover they have been kicked out. The neighbor tells him that they have moved back to the boarding house they first lived in. He arrives at the boarding house to hear Ona's screams from inside as he is informed she has gone in the premature labor and is in excruciating pain.

The book is becoming really intense. Even though this is in the early 1900s, it still has problems we see today with poverty and corruption.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
literary fiction
pg. 109-140

So now all the workers in Packingtown are having their wages reduced for the same amount of work. Marija thought that there was a robbery at the bank so she goes to withdraw her money she recently put in there and ends up sewing it into her clothes, weighing herself down. Of course, Jurgis ends up breaking his ankle, causing him to be out of work for almost 3 months. They have to force 2 of the kids in the family to work selling newspapers for income. And of course someone else in the family dies, and although most of them believed her to be a nuisance, few mourned. Marija provides the money for a proper funeral. Once healed, Jurgis attempts to find work, but is unsuccessful except for a job in the fertilizer mill. However, in the summer Teta Elzbieta goes to work in a sausage mill as well, providing the family with more income. The family begins to suffer, however, with their knowledge of all the disgusting corruption in the meatpacking industry. Ona and Jurgis slowly grow apart as Jurgis turns towards alcohol. Poor Antanas becomes ill all throughout his first year, but successfully makes it to his first birthday, when Ona is now pregnant again.

The book is really an eye opener for the life in the early 1900s. All the corruption and secrets in the industry honestly disgusts me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
literary fiction
pg. 83-108

So now, this musician, Tamoszius, begins to like Marija, Jurgis' cousin. Since he is a musician, he is at most social events and is able to invite Marija to all and sometimes the entire family. He proposes to her, and the family plans to finish the attack of their house for their room. However, the canning factory where Marija works is shut down and she loses her job. Additionally, many other factories throughout Packingtown are shut down or are affected by the troubling times. Jurgis receives a reduction of his hours and wages. Then anyone in the family who works, joined a union to help the family out. Jurgis consistently attends the union meetings. He also decides to learn English and to become an American citizen. A man shows him how to vote and everything, but Jurgis later learns that it was all a scheme to control Jurgis' vote. However, Jurgis continues with his work and discovers the abundance of corruption and dishonesty throughout Packingtown. He is repulsed by his discoveries of cans of ham actually being filled with entrails from random animals.
Spring has arrived in Packingtown and Marija has regained her job but loses it only 2 months later due to her verbal protest. However, she soon finds work as a beef trimmer. Her income is necessary because Ona is now expecting a child. Ona continues to work throughout her pregnancy and is mistreated by all her coworkers who happen to be immoral prostitutes from a brothel. She soon has her baby though, and her and Jurgis name it Antanas after his father. Jurgis becomes attached to his first child. Ona is forced to return back to work only a week after giving birth, causing her health to decline.

The book is becoming more intense every page. I'm personally disgusted by the imagery it provides about the old meatpacking industry. I'm so glad this muckraking book helped create new laws.

Monday, April 11, 2011


One day out on the beach, dolphins came in really close to the shore! It's kinda hard to see...but those are dolphins!
The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
literary fiction
pg. 42-82

Jurgis has now gotten a job in one of the meat packing plants sweeping entrails away. Two other family members also have or are working on getting jobs. Jurgis insists that Ona and the children don't work. However, the family comes upon an advertisement for a four room homes for a reasonable price. Ona discovers that with their income, they will be able to afford both the down payment and the monthly payments. They skeptically close on the house because somewhere in the contract it calls it a rental not an ownership. However, it's all good in the end. The family settles comfortably into their new home. Jurgis is enjoying his job much more than the others because he likes the fast paced conditions. A man promises Jurgis' father, Dede Antanas, a job in exchange for one third of his wages. After exploration, Jurgis discovers how common corruption in the meatpacking industry is. At work, Jurgis also notes how unsanitary meat, such as fetuses and animals deceased from diseases, is packed with the sanitary meat for human consumption. However, the family's neighbor exposes to them how the house is a scam. Three other families before them have tried to buy the house they're in now, but have failed due to missing only 1 months payment. Now, Ona and some of the others are forced to find work in order to own the house to prevent their eviction. However, Ona and Jurgis' wedding feast still has them $100 in debt. Nonetheless, the winter comes, causing hardships. The cold and disease of the season kills many workers, including Dede. While some of the factory workers turn to alcohol, Jurgis resists in order to care for Ona and the rest of the family.

So far I'm really enjoying this book. It really creates a vivid picture of what life was like in the early twentieth century. I couldn't even imagine dealing with all of that. Like eating unsanitary meat...makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Break!

I just got back from Spring Break yesterday. It was so much fun!I went with my parents and I brought my friend Kim. We went to Fort Walton Beach Florida. It's right by Destin, so we went there a lot at night. We spent most of our days laying out on the beach, it was amazing! At night, we did all sorts of things. One night we went go-karting on a 3 story track. It was fun and kinda funny because it was Kim's first time so she was freaking out the whole time. Another night, we went to this restaurant called Fudpuckers. It was soooo good!! The whole place was amazing! They had a little swamp thing down below with live baby alligators! You can see the baby alligator here! You could pay to hold one and get a picture, but we didn't. It had a gift shop, arcade, and everything here! The food was delicious too. And all the walls had writing all over it. You buy sharpies to sign your name wherever you want. I signed on the booth, table, wall, picture, frame, and the lamp! It was pretty fun. Overall though, it was definitely a successful spring break!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
literary fiction
pg. 1-41

I decided to read this book because my AP US History teacher Mr. Schmidt had talked a lot about it and the impact it held during the progressive and reform era in the early 1900s. He said it wasn't taught anymore, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Ona Lukoszaite and Jurgis Rudkus have migrated from Lithuania to the Chicago around 1900. They get married and hold their wedding reception or feast as is Lithuanian custom. The feast costs up to $300 so the guests all donate money to help pay for the feast. However, Ona notices many guests coming to eat and drink all they want, then leaving without paying. It causes her to worry about how her and Jurgis will pay for this. Jurgis says that he will work more and harder if necessary to pay for the festivities. In Lithuania, Jurgis had heard that a friend, Jokubas, had made it big in America. Before coming to America, Jurgis worked for months to raise money in order to pay for him and 11 other extended family members to make the voyage. By the time they all arrived in Chicago, most of their money was gone. The 12 of them are directed to an overcrowded boarding house. After, Jurgis and Ona go out for a walk and take note of this Packingtown until Jurgis declares he will go there to find work. Jokubas takes the family on a tour throughout Packingtown. They all notice the thousands of pigs, cattle, and sheep everywhere that will all be butchered by the end of the day. Jokubas tells how some of the meat inspectors don't even check all of the carcasses for TB, so many of them are packed anyways.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soccer Sensation

Indi Cowie is an incredible soccer player. She plays soccer and is probably the world's best female freestyler. She is known all over the world for her unbelievable moves. It's mesmerizing! She has won contests, performed at halftime shows in front of thousands of people, and even been filmed for a Sony PlayStation commercial. I wish I could play soccer like her even a little bit. However, despite her infmaous talent, she still remains a "16-year-old nobody." For her school, she doesn't even play on the girls soccer team. She feels like she will receive more practice if she continues to play on the boys club soccer team. At school, no one knows who she is. After her performance in the school talent show, everyone asked themselves "Who is that?" Despite the face they didn't know who she was, they were all still in awe of her talent. One of the other performers even told her she was her new hero. Furthermore, Indi also has difficulties on her soccer teams for being selfish apparently. Her coaches always become angry with her for not passing the ball to her other teammates, even though she ended up scoring anyways. Indi Cowie is an inspiration to many girls in the world. She's only 16 years old, but has more talent than many of the women soccer players.

HIgh School Senior's Futures

Some of the things the students want to do are a little bit surprising, but others don't surprise me at all. If I could relate to anyone, it would be Andrew Benedict-Phillip because he is undecided. I'm also undecided, I have no ideas at all. The most interesting would have to be the boy who wants to become a school counselor. I admire that he is taking his who trust and experience with his school counselor to pursue what he wants to do in life. The one least likely to happen and most far-fetched is definitely the guy who wants to be a marijuana baker. I feel like he just wants to be around the marijuana so he can have easy access to it for himself.

When I wonder where I'll be in 10 years, have no idea....I know that I will be graduated from college with hopefully a steady job. I just have no idea what I want to study in college or what I want to be. So I'm undecided as of right now.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima
Rudolfo Anaya
literary fiction
pg. 143-176

Antonio has now returned to school again. A bunch of the kids at his school are making fun of him and calling Ultima a witch. He attempts to stand up for her but it's pointless, all the kids end up fighting anyways. After the fight, no one teases Antonio about Ultima anymore. Antonio and his friends also end up taking over their school play when no one shows up for school during a blizzard. When Antonio is walking home, he passes Tenorio fighting with someone in the street. Apparently another one of his daughters is sick and he is threatening to kill Ultima. Antonio continues to follow Tenorio around. Antonio witnesses Tenorio killing Narciso, and screams, causing Tenorio to attempt to shoot at Antonio, but his weapon doesn't fire. Antonio goes home to report what he has seen, then falls into a deep fever and has a dream about the Virgin again. Antonio begs God to forgive them of their sins.

This book has begun to confuse me...a lot. It takes a lot of focus to read. There's so much controversy about religion, it just becomes confusing! But I mean if that's you're kind of book, go for it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1000 Awesome Things

I love this site. I feel like so many of these things apply to me. Some of my favorites are finding the end to a roll of tape, when someone already highlighted my textbook, seeing old people holding hands, and definitely trying on new clothes right when I get home. If I could add anything I wanted to to the list, I'd probably add being successful in pulling a prank on someone hahah.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Country Boys

The 1998 David Sutherland documentary Country Boys portrays the lives of two distressed teenagers living in the hills of David, Kentucky. Christopher is a teenager living in poverty with his mother and alcoholic father in a trailer, while Cody is a teenager who lives with his unrelated grandmother. These boys attend The David School, which is an alternative school for troubled students. Both Cody’s and Chris’ vulgar, improper word choices reveal their poor, impoverished lifestyles.

Chris and Cody speak with crude, indecent language exposing their poverty-stricken backgrounds. On numerous occasions, Chris speaks with improper grammar, saying things such as “I’ll find a couple of people that is real social, ‘cause you know I’m not.” His choice of saying “a couple of people that is” reveals his uneducated background. Proper grammar rules would have said a couple of people that are. Additionally, Chris said, “to hell with everything else.” His vulgar choice of “hell” expresses his indecent background. Cody is similar to Chris. However, Cody uses much more vulgarity when speaking. Cody believes something is “bullsh*t.” Instead of using a more appropriate, less crude choice of word here, Cody discloses his improper background and upbringing. Both Cody and Chris speak with numerous imperfections in their grammar and offensive words.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima
Rudolfo Anaya
Literary Fiction
pg. 122-142

So Antonio goes into Ultima's room and notices the three wax covered dolls, one of which appears to be in pain, from when she was curing Lucas. Ultima forbids Antonio from touching them and he must stay away. Soon after, someone bursts into their home announcing that one of Tenorio's daughters has died, and they claim that there was a bag of herbs from Ultima underneath her bed. Now, a Tenorio and a drunk mob were coming to kill a witch, or Ultima. Someone proposes a test to see whether or not Ultima is a witch. She appears to have passed the test, but Antonio is unsure about it. However, it is time to go to Antonio's mother's relative's farm for the annual harvest, and for the first time, Antonio's father is coming. There, Lucas's brother Pedro talks to Antonio about why he didn't come to warn Ultima of the lynch mob. He was scared, but will stand by Ultima from now on. He continues on to describe the funeral of the dead Trementina sister. Of course, Antonio has a dream about it, and instead of seeing the dead sister, he sees Ultima in the coffin.

The book has me confused a little bit still. But I enjoy it for the most part. It's very intriguing because of the religious views of it. I understand why it's caused lots of controversy. Personally, it doesn't matter to me..

A Tropical Paradise

by: Madison F.

Lying on the beach
With sunglasses on your face
Shielding the harsh sunlight from your eyes.
You cover your skin with SPF 25.
Sand makes its way into your sandals,
but you don’t mind.
Off in the distance music is being played
on steel drums.
They set the mood of your whole vacation:
You see the boats drift by with their brightly
colored sides
And you hold onto your tropical drink that tastes
like bananas
With its tiny umbrella hanging off the side.
It makes you smile.
You wonder if the sailors on the boat are as
peaceful as you are.
Worries escape you as you drift into your own oasis
And your home life becomes something of the past.
Almost unreal.
You smell coconut everywhere you go
And wonder if you’ll miss it when you leave.
All you hear is the crashing of the waves.
All you can feel is your newly burnt skin.
All that matters is nothing.

Children's Books

I looked through the time line of children's books. It made me remember all the books I used to read when I was little. I kind of want to find them and read them again. My favorites from the time line are Madeline, Little Bear, Where the Wild Things Are, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Max and Ruby, Love You Forever, and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I remember reading them with my mom or dad every night. Little Bear was probably my overall favorite. I also watched the show every morning when I was in pre-school.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima
Rudolfo Anaya
Literary Fiction
pg. 83-121

Summer is now back, and Antonio's uncle Lucas has fallen ill from witnessing the satanic dance of the daughters of Tenorio Trementina. They ask for Ultima's help in curing Lucas, who in turn says she'll need the help of Antonio. Ultima confronts Ternorio about her daughters, but in turn, Tenorio calls Ultima a bruja (witch). Ultima concocts a mixture for Lucas, who after a long process, has been cured. However, back at home, Cico takes Antonio to see a golden carp, which Antonio had always believed would bring bad luck if fished for. After witnessing the carp, Antonio's friends invite them to play ball with them. Antonio's friends taunt Antonio, saying that a witch lives in his house, talking about Ultima. Antonio and Cico flee to a hidden pond, where the golden carp makes an appearance. Cico warns Antonio to never go there alone. Cico also explains to Antonio that every man sins, making Antonio sad. However, that night, Antonio dreams about the conflicts of his life.

The religious aspects are beginning to confuse me a little bit. They're sort of hard to follow. But overall, I'm still enjoying this because it just provides another interesting insight to religion.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima
Rudolfo Anaya
literary fiction?
pg. 39-82

Antonio's summer is ending and he is getting closer to starting school. He still goes on walks with Ultima very often to collect herbs from the llano (the grassland). Ultima expresses her love of the llano to Antonio, who has grown to feel the same as her. Antonio is also getting ready to go visit his uncles on his mother's side. He is going to help with the harvest as he does every year to keep him close to his grandfather and his uncles. Same as every night, Antonio and his family prays before the statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe. In his dream that night, Antonio sees the Virgin talking to his mother, reassuring her that her brothers will return home safely from the war. But when she asks to make Antonio a priest, the Virgin appears to be wearing clothes of mourning, causing Antonio to cry out in his sleep, when Ultima comes to comfort him. However, soon Antonio and his siblings and his mother go to see his uncle and help out with the harvest. His uncle encourages his mother to send Antonio to them for a summer so that he could be saved. In the fall, Antonio began school, where kids made fun of him for not speaking English and eating green chili in tortillas for lunch. He found kids similar to himself to spend time with. In the winter, Antonio's brothers arrive home safely from the war, where they sleep all day and spend all of their money on alcohol and women. His brothers urge him to enter Rosie's brothel, but he resists because he might become a priest one day. At school though, Antonio has been promoted from kindergarten to third grade already.

The book continues to deal with a lot of religion. I don't mind it though, I enjoy learning and observing what others think about religion. I admire Antonio for resisting the influence of his brothers though. I know that would be hard, but he knows what his future might possibly bring.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fat Is Not a Fairy Tale

Jane Yolen

I am thinking of a fairy tale,
Cinder Elephant,
Sleeping Tubby,
Snow Weight,
where the princess is not
anorexic, wasp-waisted,
flinging herself down the stairs.

I am thinking of a fairy tale,
Hansel and Great,
Bounty and the Beast,
where the beauty
has a pillowed breast,
and fingers plump as sausage.

I am thinking of a fairy tale
that is not yet written,
for a teller not yet born,
for a listener not yet conceived,
for a world not yet won,
where everything round is good:
the sun, wheels, cookies, and the princess.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima
Rudolfo Anaya
literary fiction?
pg. 1-38

Antonio Marez recalls when he was 6 years old and Ultima, an elderly healer came to live with him and his family. The day before her arrival, Antonio has a dream about the day he was born. His mother's side of the family wanted him to be a priest and a Luna like the rest of them, but his father's side of the family wants him to be a vaquero like them. However, Ultima arrives and declares that only she will know the fate of Antonio. Ultima arrives with her owl though. She quickly adjusts to their daily life, helping out with everyone in the house. Her and Antonia soon become close friends. On their walk one day, Antonio begins to hear the voice of the river, and his family will no longer be in peaceful isolation. However, his friend Jason's dad, Chavez, arrives hectically because Lupito has just shot and killed his brother. All the men of the area set off in search for Lupito, and Antonio follows. Antonio sees Lupito hiding in the river with a pistol, but he soon runs off when the search party sees him there. They finally catch Lupito, who begs for Antonio's blessing while he's dying. Frightened, he returns home scared, until he realizes that Ultima's owl had been with him the entire time. When Antonio awakes, he wonders about Lupito and his soul, whether he'll be in heaven or in hell. Meanwhile, he listens to his parents quarrel about religion, like every Sunday morning. After long arguments, Antonio's mother, Maria, expresses her hope that Antonio becomes a priest in order to spare him of the corruption of life. The family goes to church however, and many people are dresses, mourning the casualties of World War II they are facing.

So far, a lot has been going on in the book. It's very controversial because it deals with lots of religious aspects. I'm enjoying it though. I'm excited to continue it and see what happens with Antonio's future.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Just Becuase Week

This week is Just Because Week. I think everyone should dress up, just because. The days aren't my favorite though. Jersey day....wasn't really feeling it. Tomorrow is tacky day though, and I'm pumped! I'll probably embarrass myself, but who cares! If you have school spirit, you will too. I can't wait for Wednesday though. I went to Goodwill and got the most hideous sweater! It's perfect. I can't wait to wear it. Then senior citizen day Thursday. I'm excited for that to. I have the perfect Easter/Grandma vest to wear. Friday is morp shirt day. I don't like the morp shirts at all though. They're so boring!! Hopefully morp won't be as boring as the shirt....

Spellbound Response

In Jeffery Blitz's documentary Spellbound, Neil Kadakia and Ashley White share few similar and different motivations for winning the National Spelling Bee. Both Neil and Ashley seem to compete in the spelling bee too make themselves and their families proud. However, Neil seems to be doing it more for his parents and grandparents. In the film, Neil's father talks about how Neil's grandfather is paying a thousand people to pray in India that he wins, and if he does, he will donate enough money to feed five thousand people. It also seem that Neil's father wants it more than Neil. He puts lots of pressure on Neil, forcing him to spend all of his time studying. In the end, Neil doesn't win, but his father is still proud. On the other hand, Ashley seems to compete more to make something of herself. Her mother and family talks about the money she could earn, alluding to the possibility of the reward she could earn. Also, Ashley seems to do it because she enjoys it. No one pressured Ashley as much as the others, she did it all on her. Neil and Ashley have different motivations to compete in the National Spelling Bee, but both do it for their family.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Whistling in the Dark
Lesley Kagen
popular fiction
pg. 192-228

Sally and Troo were still with Ethel at Mrs. Galecki's. Nell drove Eddie's car over with clothes for the girls for the funeral. Nell was going to drive the girls and Ethel to the funeral. Troo and Sally came outside to leave and said goodbye to Mr. Gary and Mrs. Galecki. Rasmussen was outside and offered Sally a ride to the funeral. She denied, but then asked him why her picture was in his wallet. Rasmussen then forced Sally to ride with her because they needed to talk. On the way, he talked about her mother and how she was getting much, much better. However, Mr. Jerbak died from Hall hitting him with the beer bottle, so Hall was going to be in jail for a long time. The girls could no longer live at their house because they couldn't pay for it. Rasmussen tells Sally that her and Troo are to come live with him. At the funeral, Troo was super excited about the idea. After the funeral though, Eddie and Nell take the girls to the hospital to see their mother.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whistling in the Dark
Lesley Kagen
popular fiction
pg. 160-191

Mr. Fitzpatrick drove Troo and Sally over to Granny's. On the way over, he tells the girls how Hall hit Mr. Jerbak with a beer bottle, sending him to the hospital and Hall to jail. Instead of going inside of Granny's, the girls left to go over to Mrs. Galecki's to see Mr. Gary and Ethel. Ethel had the girls spend the night out on the screened porch. Once Troo fell asleep, Sally snuck over to Rasmussen's house to search for proof that he is the murder and molester. She creeped through his window to find a picture of one of the girls hanging on his wall. Sally ran to tell Ethel, who calmed her town. Apparently the girl was Rasmussen's niece and he just adored her. Sally woke up in Ethel's bed in the morning. Ethel brought her breakfast and made her get ready for her bath before the funeral for the girl. Once Sally got into the bath, Mr. Gary came in to get some asprin for his mother, but he stayed to talk to Sally while she was still in the bath, creeping her out a little bit.

This part of the book is intense. I didn't want to stop. I thought it was inappropriate and creepy that Mr. Gary came into the bathroom while Sally was bathing. Grown men that aren't part of your family just don't do that. She's 10 years old....

Monday, February 28, 2011

Whistling in the Dark
Lesley Kagen
popular fiction
pg. 126-159

It's finally the Fourth of July and the girls are pumped for one of their favorite days of summer. They go out to the park for all the usual festivities. Troo is taking her bike over for the decorating contest, but Greasy Al Molinari came up and ripped off some of the flowers. However, Troo still tied for first place with Artie Latour. They ended up fighting over a prize of a raccoon skin hat, and of course Troo won. Then Troo went off for a while and Sally spend some time talking to Ethel and Mr. Ray Buck. After that, Sally ran into Nell who was with Eddie yet again. The sack races were about to start and Troo was with Willie and wouldn't come soon enough. Sally ended up racing with Artie Latour and Troo with Willie. Sally and Artie won, upsetting Troo. After the fireworks, Troo and Sally began walking home, and stopped by at Fitzpatrick's Drugstore to talk to Henry. After they left, Greasy Al Molinari came up to Sally and Troo on the street and began to beat up Troo. Henry came to save the day though, and then his father too. They thought Troo now had a broken nose. And of course. Rasmussen showed up again. But then Henry's dad drove Sally and Troo to their grandmother's.

I still find it suspicious how Rasmussen is literally everywhere Sally is! I'm with her on this one. And I also love how Nell and Eddie are back together again....just like all high school relationships today.

2.28 Diction Exercise

"Once Upon a Time"
by: Jack Gilbert

A) stumbling, Mediterranean, accidentally, composed, melody, intensity, baffled, tender

B) 1- ornate, archaic
2- metaphoric, obscure

C) In Jack Gilbert's "Once Upon a Time" his ornate, metaphoric diction alludes to the reminiscent thoughtfulness as he recalls the joys of youth.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Whistling in the Dark
Lesley Kagen
popular fiction
pg. 100-126

Sally returned from her outing with Nell and Eddie to find Troo in the backyard making all of her flowers to decorate her bike. She told her about her run in with Rasmussen. Sally and Troo then started to discuss what they would have to do if their mother died until Troo left for the playground. When Troo left, Wendy came by to see "Thally O'Malley." When she came over, Sally decided to ask her questions about her accident in order to find out if Rasmussen did that to her. Wendy avoided most of Sally's questions though. After Wendy left, Sally went down into the basement where she liked to hide and escape things. Once she found a shoe box in a whole in the wall that was filled with pictures and stuff. There was a picture of Washington High School Class of 1940. Sally recognized almost everyone in that photo including her mother. After studying the picture many times, Sally finally realized the one person she couldn't put a finger on was Rasmussen. Later that night, Sally and Troo over hear Nell and Eddie fighting again. However, they don't worry about it and are playing their usual game of red light, green light with all the neighbors. All was fine until Sally was suddenly pulled down by her braid by someone right by the Fazio's. They whispered, "Sally, dear, I love you," before running off. Sally was positive it was Rasmussen, but when she woke up, Rasmussen was holding her on her front porch comforting her.

Even though this book is set in around the 50's, it still relates a lot to times today. There are still abusive relationships like the one between Nell and Eddie. I'm also really interested in to whether or not Rasmussen is the one behind all the murders and the one harassing Sally...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Whistling in the Dark
Lesley Kagen
popular fiction
pg. 57-100

Sally has been spending her time trying to convince Troo that Rasmussen is the killer, and he is after her next, but Troo won't believe her. The girls have still been spending a lot of time away from home. Today, they spent the day at the school on the playground in their summer camp program. They finally went went home when Hall wasn't there to cause trouble. A few days later, Sally writes about her charitable works of the summer for school. While she's at it, she writes a letter that she plans to send to her mom in the hospital, finally telling her what her father told her when he was dying. That night, Troo and Sally are going to sleep, when Hall comes home completely drunk. He comes to their room and pins Troo up against the wall, but Sally started singing his favorite song about beer that we all know: "ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, take one down and pass it around," saving Troo from getting really hurt. However, the Fourth of July was coming up, and there was a bicycle decorating contest Troo always participated in. This year she was making tons of flowers out of tissues she stole from the store. Sally and Troo then go to their favorite place in the park, where Troo finds the shoe of a girl that was murdered and molested not too long ago. Instead of calling the police and risking Rasmussen showing up, the girls pulled the fire alarm in the park, an offense they had done more than once. Although, when the girls arrive back at home, they find Rasmussen sitting on their front porch waiting for them. Apparently some of the firefighters thought they saw them hiding across from the park. They denied it however. Anyways, he left to go talk to the other neighbors. Nell, their older sister came home though. Her boyfriend Eddie's aunt is a nurse at the hospital could get them into see their mother. Sally wants to go, but Troo doesn't. While on their way, Rasmussen pulls Eddie over and calls Sally out of the car. He asked her again if she pulled the fire alarm, and she admits to it finally. He pities her and gives her his number card with $5 taped to it. While getting it out of his wallet, Sally sees her picture along with one of the girls who was murdered in there, raising her suspicions. She gets back into the car when they all decide to go get food instead of going to the hospital. Sally then witnesses Eddie freak out and yell at Nell right in front of her.

In this part of the book, it takes you deeper into the plot. I'm really enjoying it so far. It's really suspenseful and keeps you guessing constantly what's going to happen with Rasmussen. It's also a classic story of a little kid who is trying to get everyone to believe them but no one will.

2.23 Diction Exercise

A) cruddy, bubbles, mercy, take-backs, kill, concentrate, shut up, bash, crudded-out, grounded

B) 1- chatty, common, vernacular, colloquial, dull
2- figurative, obscure, metaphoric
3- caterwaul, cacophonous, discordant, jarring

C) Lynda Barry's vernacular, jarring diction depicts the bleak, disheartenment felt by Roberta Rohbeson.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Whistling in the Dark
Lesley Kagen
popular fiction
pg. 1-56

The novel starts off with Sally O'Mally telling about when her and her younger sister Troo found out their mother was sick. However, she then recalls how they ended up where they were that day. Her father and Troo's father had died in a car accident several years ago, leaving Sally, Troo, their older sister Nell, and their mother alone. Their mother met a new man, Hall, soon after. A few months later, and they were married and moving to the city for the first time ever. Now it's summer, and their mother has been hospitalized, so the girls are left to fend for themselves because their stepfather is always drunk and causing trouble. Nell, who is way older, spends most of her time with her boyfriend rather than looking after Troo and Sally like she is supposed to. Troo and Sally end up spending most of their time outside or at their neighbor's houses in order to avoid Hall. One night, they ate dinner with their neighbors, the Fazio's. They planned on spending the night there as well to avoid a run in with Hall at home, but Sally became uncomfortable in the middle of the night and had to go home to sleep in her own bed. However, when she left, she was being followed by someone. She made her escape into someone's bushes where she slept for the night. She believed it was Rasmussen, the police officer who lived in the neighborhood, the one she believed to molest and murder two other girls in the area. Although, in the morning she woke up to find an ambulance outside Latours'. Supposedly her friend Wendy was pushed down her basement stairs, by who Sally thought was Rasmussen.

So far, the book is entertaining and intriguing. It deals with two little girls and the troubles they face, which are common problems today. However, I'm only 56 pages into it so I'll have to keep reading.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor

The jubilant energy in Gene Kelly’s and Donald O’Connor’s dancing in Singing in the Rain depicts the comical playfulness of the scene. Both Kelly and O’Connor perform enthusiastic dance moves, covering the whole area of the room. Their dance moves are very jumpy, repetitive, and synchronized with all their kicking and tapping. Kelly and O’Connor make their dancing appear effortless with their whimsical precision. They both perform their acrobatic dance moves with happy, joyful faces. The joy and energy in their moves alludes to the sarcastic liveliness of their dance.

I think this is the poem I'm going to read out loud in class this week.

"The Poetry of Bad Weather"
By: Debora Greger

Someone had propped a skateboard
by the door of the classroom,
to make quick his escape, come the bell.

For it was February in Florida,
the air of instruction thick with tanning butter.
Why, my students wondered,

did the great dead poets all live north of us?
Was there nothing to do all winter there
but pine for better weather?

Had we a window, the class could keep an eye
on the clock and yet watch the wild plum
nod with the absent grace of the young.

We could study the showy scatter of petals.
We could, for want of a better word, call it “snowy.”
The room filled with stillness, flake by flake.

Only the dull roar of air forced to spend its life indoors
could be heard. Not even the songbird
of a cell phone chirped. Go home,

I wanted to tell the horse on the page.
You know the way, even in snow
gone blue with cold.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Last Song
Nicholas Sparks
popular fiction
pg. 101-141

Ronnie has now returned to Bower's Point with Blaze and Marcus and the other trouble makers. Marcus tries to put moves of Ronnie, but just makes it obvious she's uninterested. But yet, Marcus is hard headed and takes a while to get the point. Blaze is there and witnesses all of the above. She ignores it for the time being. However, the next day, Ronnie finds Blaze in a music store they visited the previous day. Blaze knows about Ronnie's shoplifting past, so she decides to place valuable records in her bag. When Ronnie goes to leave, she sets off the store alarm, unaware of Blaze's prank. She's furious because this will not go well because of her record already full of previous shoplifting incidents. The police arrive and take her to her father who will attempt to work out a deal with the store owner to save his daughter. Meanwhile, Ronnie's father is forced to close off the piano in his house at Ronnie's wishes. Ronnie hasn't played the piano since her father left when she was younger and is very sensitive about playing. Later, Ronnie finds raccoons on the beach eating at sea turtle eggs. Being the environmentalist she is, she calls animal control to set up a cage to protect the eggs. Until they arrive, she sleeps outside on the beach in hopes of protecting the nest. Eventually they arrive, and it happens to be Will, who came to set up the outline for the cage.

The book is still becoming more intense!! I admire that Ronnie cares so much about animals. She sleeps outside on the beach, knowing there's raccoons all around her in attempt to protect the nest. I wish I could do that....